To continue our tradition of serving the construction industry with informative data, we offer you the 2016 Kimmel & Associates Construction Compensation Review. What you will find here is not a traditional salary survey, but rather our assessment of current average compensation rates for a range of construction positions. Our team compiled this data from thousands of conversations we had with industry professionals throughout the past year. We are grateful to everyone who participated in these discussions.
Many thanks to those of you who have given us feedback to the construction salary information we have offered in the past. We are pleased to hear that so many of you have found our data useful. That being said, we wish to underscore the fact that this Compensation Review is intended to be a starting place for research. There is no standard compensation rate for any particular job title because every position, company, industry, and region is unique. This review provides an average salary range for a very generalized list of positions and geographies. If you would like more detailed information about your specific company and position, please feel free to give us a call and speak with one of our consultants directly.
Our hope is that this salary data serves you well. From all of us at Kimmel & Associates, we wish you all the best during this holiday season and into the coming year.